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The 3rd book with Happy Rosanna
One afternoon, Rosanna wallowed in the mud as she often did, the sun was shining warmly on her belly, but even so the joy was not really there. She was missing something.
And so she set out in search of true happiness.
A story and painting book for any age
The graphics in the booklet can be coloured in but also inspire and leave freedom to be creative.
The book can be ordered as paperback version at amazon. There you also have preview possibilities.
This book is also available in German, French and Portuguese:
Happy Rosanna sucht das wahre Glück
The 2nd book with Happy Rosanna
"Where are they, oh where, oh WHERE are my glasses?" That's how Rosanna and Konrad start their turbulent expedition trying to get to the bottom of an unanswered question: "What is the meaning of life?" Will they be any wiser at the end? What do you think?
A story and painting book for any age
The graphics in the booklet can be coloured in but also inspire and leave freedom to be creative.
The book can be ordered as paperback version at amazon. There you also have preview possibilities.
This book is also available in German, French and Portuguese:
Happy Rosanna und der Sinn des Lebens
The 1st book with Happy Rosanna
A story and painting book for any age
"Happy Rosanna" is a joyful pig until it strikes her that there must be something more to it than, day in, day out, being just a pig. So she sets out to find happiness.
The story of Rosanna shows in a humorous way what happens, when you consider yourself not to be good enough. It´s an easy realization that helps Rosanna at the end.
The graphics in the booklet can be coloured but also leave freedom for self creation possibilities.
The book can be ordered as paperback as well as ebook version at amazon. There you also have preview possibilities.>
This book is also available in German, French and Portguese:
Happy Rosanna - Das Schwein, das kein Schwein mehr sein wollte
Happy Rosanna - Le Cochon qui ne voulait plus être un cochon
At the moment this book is only available in German language but a English and French version will come soon.
Das 3. Buch mit Happy Rosanna
Eines Nachmittags suhlte sich Rosanna wie so oft im Schlamm, die Sonne schien ihr warm auf den Bauch, aber trotzdem wollte die Freude dabei nicht so richtig aufkommen wie sonst. Irgendetwas fehlte ihr. Und so machte sie sich auf die Suche nach dem wahren Glück.
Ein Buch zum Lesen, Vorlesen und Malen für jedes Alter
Die Bildseiten in "Happy Rosanna" sind zum Ausmalen, geben aber auch Impulse und genügend Raum, selbst weiter zu zeichnen und zu gestalten.
Mehr Infos dazu und auch die Möglichkeit, es probezulesen und portofrei in den meisten Ländern Europas zu bestellen, gibt es bei BoD / Books on Demand.
Bestellt werden kann es aber auch in jedem Buchladen und in vielen Online Shops wie zum Beispiel amazon.>